Small Town Date Night Ideas (Winter Edition)


It can be surprisingly hard to come up with something other than going to dinner and a movie, when you live in a small town like we do. Especially in the winter!

Typically, Brett doesn’t get home from work until 5:30 and the sun has already gone down by then. What in the world do you do when it’s pitch black outside and 30 degrees? I’m sure some would be adventurous enough to battle the cold and dark, but that ain’t me.. 

Here are my small town winter date night ideas (even if you don't live in a small town, these could be a great way to get some quality time in!)


  • Get coffee and play a board game.

  • Go ice skating or sledding.

  • Cook dinner or bake something together. (Here are some recipes you could try)

  • Build a cozy living room home theatre and watch a movie with homemade popcorn.

  • Go to a local hotel and pay to use the pool, sauna, + hot-tub.

  • Have a winter bonfire with s’mores. (bring lots of blankets)

  • Make your own mini scavenger hunt for each other.

  • Learn a new card game. We suggest this one!

  • Start KonMari'ing your house! Don't know what this is? Read about it HERE.

  • If all else fails, just cuddle up and watch your favorite show together.

If you have other great date night suggestions, let us know what they are in the comments!