My every day beauty products!


Fun little fact about me.. I didn't start wearing makeup regularly until I was 22!
I'm only 24 now, so I was missing out on the goods for a while.
That being said, my makeup is still on the very "natural" side.

Here are the 8 products I use almost daily!

  1. I use the Aveda Hydrating Lotion twice daily, after I wash my face in the morning and at night before bed. It is the only face lotion i've found that actually hydrates my skin without making it feel oily!
  2. Hydration for the lips is mandatory during these dry winter months. The Glossier Skin Salve is how I've been keeping mine from getting chapped. I also put some on my cuticles before bed every night! I currently have the Mint Balm Dot Dom, which is perfect because I love all things mint. I think I will try the Cherry one next because it gives your lips a slight tint!
  3. When I decide to put on some makeup, I always start with the Anastasia Dipbrow Pomade. In the past I used the brow pencil but it only lasted me a about a month, the pomade literally lasts months and is way more affordable in the long run.
  4. On the days I feel like doing an even lighter version of makeup, I grab my Glossier Boy Brow. This stuff is SO easy. You literally just swipe it through your eyebrows and boom! They refer to it as, "Our all-in-one brow fluffer, filler, and shaper".
  5. Everyone has their favorite mascara and my sister got me hooked on the Loreal Lash Paradise Mascara. The wand is what makes or breaks it for me and Loreal's got it on lock.
  6. Have you guys ever tried liquid blush? I didn't even know that was a thing until the Glossier Cloud Paint came into my life. I will forever be changed! You simply dab this stuff onto your cheeks and you look 100 times for alive. The color Dusk is my personal favorite!
  7. The last piece to my makeup puzzle is the Glossier Haloscope Highlighter. Similar to most of Glossier's products, you simply swipe this is the areas you want a little shine and dab dab dab.
  8. Last but certainly not least is the Good Chemistry Queen Bee Perfume! I actually just added this to my makeup bag, which you would know if you watched out "shop with us" stories on Instagram. GUYS, this smells like Anthropologie. If you haven't been into one of their stores then all I can say is it just smells freaking amazing!

We have a special little surprise for you! You can receive 10% off of any of the Glossier products by clicking on the links to them above or following this one: (Glossier 10% off).

I hope you enjoyed finding out what products I use on the daily!
Is there anything you can't live without and think I should try? Tell me below in the comments!