What’s Next for Harbor + Pine?


If you guys have been following along with us for a while, you’ll know that I’m a dreamer!
So, it was only fitting for me to write this blog post about what we envision and have been dreaming up for Harbor + Pine in 2020!

When we started the blog a year ago, we didn’t really know where it would take us. Last Monday Kendra wrote: A Look Back on 2019 and as we looked back on everything we did and accomplished, we remembered how we felt the night before out first blog was posted. We were so so excited and anxious about the unknown! Honestly, we did way more than we even imagined to do in our first year, and it’s because you guys rock! We couldn’t do any of this without you, so thank you so much!

So what are our dreams for 2020?

Honestly, this is kind of a hard blog post to write because of how unknown everything is and like I said, I’m a dreamer, so I envision A LOT for H+P!
So I think I’m just going to list all the fun things my brain is dreaming up today:

  • Create valuable + encouraging content for the blog, Instagram, Facebook, email list, etc.

  • Start a podcast or Youtube channel.

  • Create a relationship and partnerships with companies we love and believe in!

  • Document the process of a huge renovation + design project.

  • Grow our Instagram to 10K followers (instagram stories swipe up feature!).

  • Open a storefront for Harbor + Pine Home Goods.

  • Host monthly events that bring the community together.

  • Make a large enough income so that H+P can be Kendra’s full time job.

  • Give back to our community + to causes we care about!

  • Create our own products for H+P Home Goods.

  • Make our own lifestyle magazine or cookbook!

  • Continue Feature Friday to support other businesses and people grow in their passions!

Well… we have a lot of work to do! Haha! Like I said, none of these things are set in stone and they may not happen this year or at all! But these are things I envisions for the future of Harbor + Pine and it couldn’t make me more excited!!

The main reason behind why we started Harbor + Pine is because we wanted to create a brand that is a safe place for people to grow in all aspects of their lives! So first and foremost, we want to know how we can better serve you! You are the reason we can dream all these big dreams, so if it’s not too much to ask..
Could you tell us what you want to see from us? How can we serve you and help you grow? Does anything I listed above sound amazing to you and you think we should do it?!
Love, Bryana